Enough (poem)

Phuc Dao
1 min readOct 25, 2018
Credit: Jolin Tan

I’m standing at the corner of my life

with my heart on the left turn and the world on the right

and it is you now that I crave

for being brave is meaningless if I don’t know what it’s for.

I see us race down the midnight summer breeze again

I see us leaving behind the worries and the pain

carrying nothing but a carefree heart and a bag of our selves

believing again in the power of Love and its magical spell.

And until the sunrise comes again for us to fight another day,

let me hold you in this ephemeral moment of truth.

We look up and imagine our own sky full of stars

We look at each other and admire each other’s life full of scars.

Let me caress your wound and kiss your inadequacy

feel your shame and fall in love with your insecurities.

There’s no more judgment and fair-weather friends

no more punishment for being an imperfect man

You are enough and I am enough

and for a moment I’ve given up on the world.


